Endocrine Emergencies

Core Content:
EMRAP CorePendium: Adrenal Emergencies
Read or Listen – PEMPlaybook – Pediatric DKA
Read or listen – IBCC: Thyroid Storm
Weekly Asynchronous Review:
EKG of the Week: Week 35
Ortho Case of the Week: Ankle
Rads Review of the Week:
Supplemental Content:
EMDocs: Alcohol withdrawal, Pearls and Pitfalls
Meet DKA’s not so-sexy cousin in HHS
Subtle and can creep up on you if you’re not aware of Euglycemic DKA
Military Relevance:
LtCol Stewart discuss hyperkalemia in the deployed setting
Article of the week: The PAMPer trial
JMOTW: Tap an ankle – and a wrist
Last week’s answers: EKG, ortho, Rads