Intern Crash Course

Below is a list of topics that you will be discussing in July. Read, listen, or watch the links under the respective category prior to the lectures in order for the day to be more interactive and case-based. These are by no means all-inclusive but are the best combination of comprehensive yet not time-intensive. Each topic should not take more than 30-45 minutes. The C3 podcasts associated with each PDF are available through EM:RAP. If you want to download the other podcasts to your phones, the podcasts to subscribe to are CRACKCastEMBasic, and FOAMCast. I recommend that you look at the show notes for the podcast that you listen to. They usually have great pictures and diagrams… and words for those of you who read.

If you prefer a more structured approach – A pre-made curriculum has already been made, and covers all the required topics above: