
  • Leadership, like everything else in life, requires constant learning, growth and re-evaluation. Though some people are born with natural traits, great leaders pursue the discourse.
  • This section will be full of Gen Mattis quotes. Here are your first two.
  • “If you have not read 100 books [on a subject] you are functionally illiterate.”
  • “Alexander the Great would not be in the least bit perplexed by the enemy that we face right now, and our leaders going into this fight do their troops a disservice by not studying — studying, vice just reading — the men who have gone before us. We have been fighting on this planet for 5,000 years and we should take advantage of their experience. ‘Winging it’ and filling body bags as we sort out what works reminds us of the moral dictates and the cost of incompetence in our profession.
  • Below are 10 high quality books, from various authors, that can help you when contemplating your leadership style and how to lead up, down, and across the chain of command.
  •  FM 22-10, the original 1951 version. The updated version is a useless pamphlet.