Airway Academy

Welcome to Airway Academy! Here you can review advanced airway, sedation and ventilation techniques to help you manage the critically ill in the department. It is a resource to use at your leisure. Some topics will overlap with assigned weekly review but there is no additional required content.

Oxygen Escalation

Oxygen escalation specific to COVID but relevant to all patients


RebelEM Preoxygenation with Levitan


Noninvasive Positive Pressure

Simple Break Down of CPAP vs. BiPAP


Basic Airway Review

Failed Airway Algorithm

Airway Videos


Levitan Airway videos

Advanced Airway Techniques

Awake Intubation

EMCrit Fellows intubate each other

AIME Topicalization

Difficult Airway

LMA intubation
Jet Ventilation
Also, transtracheal ventiliation

Retrograde intubation

Surgical Airway

EMRap HD Surgical Cric

Awake Cric

Awake Cric Commentary

Bougie Assisted Cric

Intubations that can kill:

Patients that you could kill if your proceed with your typical RSI steps

Hypoxic Intubation

Hypotensive Intubation

Acidotic Intubation


Sedation Station


suxamethonium = succinylcholine

Post Intubation Sedation & Analgesia


Don’t be afraid of the Ventilator


COVID Tips & Tricks for Airway & Ventilation