Week 7 – Abdominal Trauma
ATTENTION: Breakfast will be provided by Dr. Kester and Victoria Emergency Associates. Come hungry!
Core Content
- Blunt Abdominal Trauma basics
- Penetrating Abdominal Trauma basics
- Genital Trauma
- Pelvic Binder Placement/Indications
Weekly Asynchronous Review
- EKG of the week
- Ultrasound of the week – When to do EFAST in the real world
- Rads Review of the week – MSK basics
- Ortho Case of the week
Last weeks Answers:
Supplemental Content
- Dr. Van Nispen’s review of REBOA evidence
- Arterial injury management
- How to do a RUG
Military Relevance
- Pelvic Fracture CPG
- Listen to the patient experience of severe extremity trauma