Neuro/Psych 2

Cadaver Lab (10/24) information can be found here
Core Content
Weekly Asynchronous Content
- Ortho Review of the Week: Hand (soft tissue)
- Rads Review of the Week
Supplemental Content
Really want to get an idea on the HINTS exam and central vs peripheral causes? Look no further: EM Board Bombs w/ Peter Johns
Status epilepticus is a true medical emergency and requires an aggressive approach. Algorithm in the Resuscitationist’s Guide to Status Epilepticus
Do you know the evidence behind your headache cocktail? When to get an LP to r/o SAH
Military Relevance
Know escalation of therapy for JTS CPG for severe TBI
JMOTW: What do you do when your patient shows up with a possible VP shunt related complication? Tapping a VP Shunt
Article of the week: Acute MI v. BER
Last week’s answers: ortho; Rad; EKG