EKG of the Week – Week 11 ANSWERS

Both of these patients have awesome examples of peaked T waves!  Their potassium was >7 in both cases.  

Quick HyperK review!See (https://lifeinthefastlane.com/ecg-library/basics/hyperkalaemia/) Life in the fast lane for more EKGs:The life cycle of an EKG with HyperK:

Initially, see Peaked T Waves, Then PR segment prolongation, Then loss of the P wave, Then Sine Wave (bad) (see EKG Below)

The EKG below is from Drs. Merrill and Bridwell from a patient they had where this EKG was captured right before she arrested.  Talk about potassium gone wrong.

How do we manage hyperK?
CABIGDIK (that’s pronounced See A Big K Di(e))

Calcium Chloride/Gluconate (remember, calcium Chloride goes via a Central line)





Kayexalayte (now out of favor)  

IV Fluids

More good inservice prep EKGS coming out next week!  Be ready!