Journal Club – Pediatrics

- No quiz
- No asynchronous Review
- See Journal Club Content below for reading requirements this week.
This week grand rounds will be held off site, we will now be returning to our normal evening journal club time. The only exemptions for journal club/wellness would be if you are on an out-of-town rotation or working nights.
We will be doing some wellness activities and journal club. Journal Club will be different than in the past – all journals will now discuss a single topic.
- Time: 1700
- Location: The White House – 111 Ottawa Run, Shavano Park, TX 78231
- Hosted by: Dr. Long and Academics Team
Journal Club Goals and Expectations
Find your group below and the assigned material to review. As a group, you will present your journal reviews at JC to the rest of the residency.
Projected Schedule:
- 1700-1730: Arrival/split into groups
- 1730-1830: Small group discussion/break out session
- 1830-2000: Large group discussion
- 2000-> : Get spiced??
PGY Level Assignment/Goals
- EM1: Big overview of the paper, and if applicable epidemiology/definitions/diagnosis/workup and PICO (if original study)
- EM2: Key takeaways, what to focus on, and if applicable recommendations/treatments
- EM3: How is this going to change your practice?
Journal Club Small Group Assignments
Link to all the papers
Group 1: Gryffindor

Group 2: The Claws

Group 3: Slytherin

Group 4: Hupplebuff

If you would like access to all the articles click here
Article of the Week: The TOMAHAWK trial
Last weeks Answers: Ortho, EKG, Rads
I miss Jess Mason this week too…