Ortho Case of the Week – Week 7 ANSWERS
- Closed, displaced, transverse meta-diaphyseal fracture of the proximal humerus.

2. Plain films should consist of AP, scapular Y and Axillary views. As with anterior should dislocations, the axillary nerve is at increased risk of damage with these injuries. Test function by testing sensation of the lateral shoulder.
3. Generally, the treatment for proximal humerus fractures is a simple sling and orthopedics follow up. This is true for minimally displaced surgical and anatomical neck fractures. Communited fractures and those with greater displacement may require surgical intervention.
4. Spiral fracture of the mid humeral diaphysis with posterior displacement and angulation of the distal segment.
5. With midshaft humerus fractures, the radial nerve is at increased risk of damage. Test wrist and finger extension, sensation to posterior forearm and digits 1-3 radial half of fourth digit.
6. The treatment for the vast majority of midshaft humeral fractures is application of coaptation or sarmiento splint and orthopedics follow up.

7. Communited fracture of distal humerus. Distal humeral fractures are most often complex injuries and warrant surgical intervention with orthopedics.