Ortho Case of the Week – Peds Upper Extremity
Case 1: A 5-year-old female presents with her parents after a FOOSH injury with right elbow pain. She refuses to move it and cries when you try to examine it.

- Describe your read of the x-rays above.
- Describe your management of this patient. What type of splint or other assistive device (sling, brace, etc.) would you place this patient in (if any) for this pathology?
Case 2: An 8-year-old female presents with right elbow pain after she lost her grip on the monkey bars and fell onto her outstretched hand.

- What is your read of the x-ray above?
- What nerve is most commonly injured with this type of injury and how would you test for it?
- How would you manage this patient if you did not have orthopedics available?